So, after over a year hiatus, I've decided to return to the blog-o-sphere. This time I hope to post a smaller number of longer essays, rather than constant postings about news, both personal and global (though I am sure there will be some of that). I'm a lot busier now than I was last time. That means less posting. However, since I'm in a grad program related to Jewish communal issues I bet Im going to come across more stuff I want to comment on. That means more posting.
Last year, when I stopped blogging, it was due to some concerns about how my posts may come back to bite me in the ass. Its not that I don't stand behind my posts, its just that on some of the issues that are nearest to me the party line is policed with a unique vigor. I dont think those concerns have vanished and I'm still trying to figure out what and how to post. However, I really missed the process of blogging. Falling somewhere between a group email and a well crafted essay, blogging allowed me to put ideas out and get feedback without pushing my writing into people's inboxes.
So, I'm back. Not totally uncensored, but hopefully providing some interesting food for thought around issues of Jewish identity, Jewish politics and personal/spiritual/emotional journeys.